Click on the registration form below (PDF format)
Print out or pick up a form and fill out completely
Mail in completed form or drop in our locked mailbox outside our doors
or call 684-3164 to make an appointment to pay in person. We cannot take payments over the phone!
$175 with the completed registration form guarantees a seat in class!
To pre-apply for learner permit (see registration form) click HERE
For more information on how to become a licensed driver under the age of 18, please click HERE
Registration forms are also available outside our office (to the right of the doors).
----Click the SCHOOL POLICY page on the left to learn more about driver education classes.
These classes are full- All classes meet T-W-TH
Oct. 8 - Nov. 7 3:30-5:30 PM this class is full 7/10
Nov. 12- Dec. 12 6-8 PM Online Zoom full 9/10
52025 Class Schedule-
Jan. 7-Feb. 6 Online ZOOM T-W-TH 6-8PM
Feb. 25– March 27 T-W-TH 6-8 PM
April 15– May 15 T-W-TH 6-8 PM
May 27– June 26 Online ZOOM T-W-TH 6-8 PM
July 15—Aug. 14 T-W-TH 9– 11 AM
July 29– Aug. 27 T-W-TH 6-8 PM
There will be more 2025 classes through the fall to the end of the year and will be added soon!
* ZOOM class requirements- 1st class meets at the driving school, in-person. Classes meet in real time and are interactive, which means student must have an internet connection that will support video/ audio online learning. Student must be logged in to the class in a quiet, learning environment. If these criteria are not met, student must or will be asked to attend an in- person class.
Please click the PDF below to download and print a registration form